Level 1: TCCC / TECC / (3) C's
Emergency medical/prehospital trauma care course
COURSE LENGTH: 6 HOURS This course is a prehospital trauma care course offered to the public, instructed by a military Special Operations Combat Medic. The primary goals of this course are: To teach skills and best practices to demonstrate current techniques in wound management and teach the principles of prehospital trauma care. Skills covered in this course are: • Massive hemorrhage control techniques • Proper use and application of tourniquets • Wound packing • Uses of various dressings and bandages • Hemostatic agents • Airway management • Guidelines for head injury treatment • Support of circulation • Extremity trauma • Application of chest seals • Triaging the victim through MARCH procedures Recommended Equipment: • Note taking tools are welcomed This course is unique in that you are recommended to bring your own IFAK (Individual First Aid Kit) or other emergency medical supply kits. It is not necessary to bring your own medical equipment, as we will have practice gear on hand, but we recommend that you bring your own, if available, to learn to use it properly. You will be able to determine how to revise your own medical kit for your own personal use and lifestyle after completing this course. __________ * Private courses for individuals or small groups are available. Contact us through our "Contact" page for pricing and scheduling. * If the instructors consider you unsafe or unfit for the course you may be asked to leave at your expense. This is for your safety, and the safety of the class.
Cancellation Policy
Courses are nonrefundable due to logistical preparations that occur when a space in a course is reserved.